Product Description - Rockwell Hardness Tester
The Rockwell Hardness Tester have been designed and manufactured strictly conforming to IS. BS, ASTM, ISO and DIN Standards. Hardness Testers suitable for testing hardness of metals & alloys of all kinds hard or soft, whether flat, round or irregular in shape. These testers are simple in design & easy to operate, yet sensitive & accurate.
Standard Rockwell Hardness Tester Method Manual Operation
ZI 7003A : With automatic zero setting dial guage and manual load selection
ZI 7003B : With automatic zero setting dial guage and automatic load selection Standard Rockwell/rinell Method-Manual Operation
ZI 7003C : With automatic zero setting dial guage device and automatic toad selection. Brinell Hardness Testing facility accorfing to 30 F/D2 ratio, with 187.5 kgf load and 2.5mm dia ball indenter
ZI 7003D : Similar to ZI 7003c, but with additional test load of 250 kgf and 5 mm dia ball indenter for, testing brinell hardness of non-ferrous metals according to 10F/D ratio.